It's Christmas Again

Each a tiny time capsule,
In its own way,
In various shapes and sizes,
A memory tucked away:
The hands that made them,
The places they were bought,
The times remembered,
Each family member
ages fixed —
Each a chapter in our family tree album.
We unearth them
'Round Thanksgiving Day each year
Displayed for all to see —
Decorating the branches
Of our family Christmas tree.
Each ornament is different
Each decorating our minds
Soon to adorn a green bough
As we find a place "just right"

Allowing them to bloom again this season.
Their design and construction varies
The materials differ —
Some shiny with metal that glistens,
Some tell a story of a time past,
When a child's hand
Put on the finishing touches,
Some souvenirs of vacation trips
From across the nation,
From each memory filled location —
Mountains, National Forests,
Grand canyons and grassy plains,

a week sightseeing in D.C.
White sandy beaches and National Parks
Where we traveled together
On those special summer trips —
Each cause our minds to pause.
Each holds a thought imbued,
With the circumstances intrinsic,
The fun and excitement shared
A week with our family around us —
Ornaments that remind us of a spot:
"Oh yeah, I remember!
When exactly was that?
How long has it been? 
We've had it for years.
Find a place for that one —
It wouldn't be Christmas without it."
Redbirds crafted from felt, stuffed with cotton,
Perched on a sprig of holly,
Fashioned by Mother's deft hands —
Fastened with a hair clip sewn on
To snap it on a bough.
There's children's school art projects,
Gifts for the favorite Teacher,
Extolling their love for her
And her giftedness they'd felt and seen,
A clear crystal orb
Monogrammed with an "E",
Sterling silver angels,
All sorts of smiling Santas,
Hand-painted wooden memories,
Manger scenes,  spider webs that sparkle,
Silver pet replicas — lest we forget'em.
Some were gifts from friends, others family gave us,
Some just purchased when our fancy was tickled,
All capture uniquely a marker in our mind.
These tiny time capsules we unpack each year
Bring us back again
To a special place and time
Made comfortable over the years,
Thoughts of Bethlehem and the manger,
Our Savior's birth
Soaking this dear season with reassuring worth
Amid family and memories
  We celebrate!

It's Christmas again!
Harold Eidson
Monday, December 15, 2014
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